1 | “实在太忙了,”他说。于是他又说了些什么,当时没听清楚。“这是大自然,”他说。“大自然的力量。” | "Too busy, " he said. And then he said something I couldn’t quite get hold of at the time. "It’s nature, " he said. "The force of nature. " | |
2 | “市场需求非常旺盛,人们敲着我们的门要求供货,”Walsh说。 | "The market is extremely tight. People are banging down our door to get hold of supply, " Walsh said. | |
3 | “探索真实的唯一方法是确实找到有机物,并且能够说明它是活着的,”他对《新科学家》说。 | "The only way to know for sure would be to actually get hold of an organism and show that it is alive, " he told New Scientist. | |
4 | “投资者有点抢购美国各银行发行的债券,”某大型银行的一名高管表示。 | "There is a bit of a food-fight among investors to get hold of paper from US banks, " an executive at a big bank said. | |
5 | 《每日电讯报》援引了这位公关的话:“仅是确认一下恐怖的贝嫂别穿上我们的衣服。” | "Just checking the dreaded VB hasn’t managed to get hold of any of our clothes, " the Daily Mail quoted her, as saying. | |
6 | 比如,个人开设外汇银行账户、旅游者持有外汇都比以前要简单很多。 | It is now simpler, for example, for individuals to open foreign-currency bank accounts, and for travellers to get hold of foreign exchange. | |
7 | 不顾一切地想要得到苹果电脑会造成一些极端的行为。 | Desperation to get hold of Apple computers can lead to extreme behavior. | |
8 | 从三个层次把握城市设计对开发的控制体系 | Get Hold of the Control Development System in Urban Design from Three Aspects | |
9 | 但是,我上不了因特网,所以我不能找到大学网站,因而也不能运行编译程序和IDE。 | As I didn’t have access to the internet, I couldn’t get hold of the site license, so couldn’t run the compiler and IDE. | |
10 | 但是要将富豪的钱财乾坤大挪移过来,谈何容易? | But how easy will it be to get hold of their money? | |
11 | 而从农村来的移民则发现,即使他们在城市居住了很多年,也很难获得这些户籍证明。 | Migrants from the countryside usually find it difficult to get hold of such certificates, even if they have lived in a city for many years. | |
12 | 该机构称:“对银行控股却没有符合实际的出价,这是社会主义者左翼的惯用方法。” | It said: "This is a socialist leftwing agenda to get hold of the banks without paying anything like a realistic price for them. " | |
13 | 工作,因此他就可以在新限量版上市的时候成为最早的拥有者之一。 | so that he can be one of the first to get hold of the new editions as they appear. | |
14 | 过去人们经常购买盗版光碟和从日本进口的商品,那里面有他们的朋友所不能获得的音乐。 | People used to buy bootleg CDs and Japanese imports containing music that none of their friends could get hold of . | |
15 | 获得安装代码有两种办法 | There are two ways you can get hold of the install codes | |
16 | 即使对其产品的需求减弱,制造商还是会发现,获取基础原材料的成本仍越来越高。 | Even if demand for their products weakens, manufacturers will find that it is more and more expensive to get hold of basic materials. | |
17 | 尽管断然拒绝一些产品,但日本的海外顾客们却争先恐后的要抢购另外一些。 | Even as they rebuff some products, Japan’s foreign customers are scrambling to get hold of others. | |
18 | 开户银行会通知申请人问他们同样的款额,更好的掌握航运文件。款额,更好的掌握航运文件。 | h. The opening bank informs the applicant of the same and asks him to make payment so as to get hold of the shipping documents. H | |
19 | 例如,我很高兴能让我的朋友知道我的手机号码,但不希望电话销售员知道。 | For instance, I’m happy to make my cellphone number available to my friends, but not keen that telemarketers should get hold of it. | |
20 | 另一个有效的策略则是制作相当难买到的限量版手袋。 | Another effective tactic is to make limited-edition handbags which are hard to get hold of . | |
21 | 目前,外资银行只能在上海和深圳获得这些数据。 | At the moment, they can get hold of such data only in Shanghai and Shenzhen. | |
22 | 目前消费者已经能够在智能手机和电子阅览器上获得许多出版物了。 | Consumers can already get hold of many publications on smart-phones and e-readers. | |
23 | 拿起你的化妆刷,在铜色化妆盒里轻轻地擦一下,使用比你的皮肤更暗一点眼影粉。 | Get hold of your makeup brush, dab it in a bronzer. An eye shadow powder that is in a darker shade than your skin tone will also do well. | |
24 | 女性的表现是神秘的、诱惑的、极其难以接近的。 | The female form is mysterious, enticing and notoriously difficult to get hold of . | |
25 | 任何想要对这个问题有所了解并帮助提供解决方案的人,都应该拿到一份副本,并且参与讨论。 | Anyone who wants to understand the issues and help provide solutions should get hold of a copy and contribute to the debate. | |
26 | 事后据称她说“我是哈里特.哈曼,你知道在哪能找到我。” | After the accident she is alleged to have said: "I’m Harriet Harman. You know where you can get hold of me. " | |
27 | 说其“收效甚微”,是因为如果人们确实想买这些药品,他们仍然能轻松得到。 | Futile, because if people really want medicines, they can easily get hold of them. | |
28 | 他们担心自己是否有能力获得推动增长所需的能源。 | They are worried about their ability to get hold of energy resources to power growth. | |
29 | 他弄到一份列车运行时刻表,查阅了所有去北京车次的时间。 | He get hold of a railway timetable and looked up all the trains to Beijing. | |
30 | 他一弄清楚这个系统的潜力后,我就问卡罗我能否得到一些标签用在飞机项目上。 | As soon as he had spelt out the potential, I asked Carlo if I could get hold of some tags for a pilot project. |